The Revelation of Jovian
The Jovian Revelation is a copy of the German translation of the original Apocalypse written in Syro-Aramaic and contains the first and second parts of the work. The date of origin of the original is clear from the text; it falls on May 28, 837 of the Romans (ab urbe condita = after the building of the city of Rome, to which event the calendar of the Roman Empire is based). According to our erroneous modern, apparently Christian calendar, May 28, 837 d. R. corresponds to the year 84 of our calendar. Our current chronology is therefore erroneous because Christ was born on December 19, 749 AD, which actually corresponds to the year 5 "BC" and his birth is therefore before his alleged birth, on which the chronology is based. This means that our chronology lags behind by about 5 years - a fact that is well known to scholars. It should also be noted that the author of the Apocalypse, the apostle John the Seer, was called "Jovian" by his real name, which the Jews later replaced with the Jewish name "Jochan" or "Joschanan" in order to make the apostle, who was of Greco-Roman descent, appear to be Jewish. The Jewish name was then Greekized to "John" (adapted to the Greek language of the time).
The original of the Jovian Revelation is said to be kept by the heirs of the Knights Templar in Vienna and is not accessible to the public. Unfortunately, the writings do not appear to be complete. Towards the end of the Second World War, the third part of the Revelation was probably lost and, as far as we know, no copy exists. This third part would also deal with future events. The curiosity is accordingly great, and there are many futile requests to the ThuleTempel for this lost part. Nothing can be shared, even on request. Simply because there is nothing else. So, unless a miracle happens and the third part suddenly reappears, we will have to make do with the first two parts, which comprise the present chapters 1-15.
But even in this incomplete form, the Jovian Revelation is probably the most important text that exists on Earth.
The Revelation that the Lord God gave his servant and apostle Jovian (John) to see.
Chapter I
1 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that have understanding to the sense of the words of this vision, and keepeth the light of understanding alive in their soul, for to every one of them that is the time that is near, every day and every hour.
2 Jovian, who has written the word of the holy gospel of God and has been found worthy to see this vision, greets all the churches of Christ in His holiest name and spirit!
3 Grace, blessing, and peace be to you all from Him Who was, Who is, and Who will be, and by Whose holiest name we may be called Christians, if we, in true understanding of Him, also strive to actively follow His holiest word.
4 He, Who alone is true, all-good, eternal God and Father of all life, loves us unworthy ones so much that He, divesting Himself of all His heavenly splendor, became man for our sake, to lead us out of the darkness of error and the lie of death and to give the light of life in His kingdom to all who are of good will.
5 To Him be our thanks, honor, and praise forever!
6 Jovian, your brother and fellow sufferer in sorrow and joy, in trouble, but always in patience and peace of our Lord, was imprisoned on the island of Patmos because of the word of God Christ and the testimony of His eternal truth. Imprisoned at Miletus in the end of March and exiled in the middle of April in the last year of Emperor Titus, and therefore also in the first year of Emperor Domitian, in the Roman year 834, I was already seventy-seven years old, but the Lord God gave me the strength not only to work with the younger and young exiles, but also to bring many of them to the knowledge of the eternal truth of God Christ and of the true eternal life in His kingdom.
7 Paul Agatus, the steward, knew that I was imprisoned and sent away for an indefinite time on the accusations and insistence of the Jews by Prefect Lucius Anius, who sat at Miletus; therefore he also heard the word of truth of Christ with his own and soon relieved me of the worst tribulation.
8 In the third year of my exile, the Romans wrote the year 837 (in the third year of Emperor Domitian), on the twenty-eighth day of the month of May (the same as the fourteenth day of the month of Dæsius = Thargelion of the Greeks) on the day of the Lord, I was alone on the rock and in spirit with Him, for it was the fifty-fourth anniversary of His glorious Ascension.
9 In sadness I remembered His first companions and apostles, all of whom were already with Him, the last of whom was Brother Andrew Jonius, of whom I knew that he had only died half a year earlier at Patra with two coworkers of Christ.
10 And I was deeply moved in spirit and, lifting up my hands to heaven, I said:
11 "Lord, Thou who art and wast and will be, and by whose name we may be called Christians, I thank Thee that Thou hast given me the strength not only to endure all the trouble and tribulation for Thy name, but also to bring many to the knowledge of Thy truth and of the eternal life of Thy kingdom."
12 And while I was still speaking, suddenly a great light shone around me, and I fell to the ground in fear.
13 And a voice came to me, saying:
14 Then spoke to me: "Jovian! I am forgiveness! - therefore do not say: forgive me! You are a seer; and that posterity may also gain from your seership, you shall see what no other eye has ever seen, nor will be able to see; and what you have seen, write down, for it is the living face of all that I have said to you on earth as I walked with you."
15 And as He spoke these words, He was carried away into infinite distances, yet I saw Him in the same size of essence as if He stood by me.
16 Before my eyes already the earth, the firmament, and all that is called the universe of this world had vanished, and behold, I saw the infinity of infinities in all directions, above me, below me, in front, behind, and on the sides - it was to be seen like an infinite sea without water, like glass and yet without substance, as if nothing else were there except Him in the light of His essence, spirit, and life, and all the infinity of infinities penetrated by this light.
17 Then I felt that every sense threatened to vanish from me, for although there was nothing essential outside of Him and the light emanating from Him that penetrated the infinities, the contemplation of such an infinitely exalted size, peace, purity, and holiness through Him made me feel, in the emptiness of the insubstantial, as if I were insubstantial, and as if in a dream, thinking out of myself, I spoke: "Lord! My God! What is this? - How am I to interpret this vision?"
18 And then I heard His voice within me: "Jovian! This is timeless eternity, spaceless infinity, and My world, which I need no space or time for, because I live and am without beginning and without end. You imagine that you see nothing else outside of Me; but I say to you: look closer around you and then tell Me what you see!"
19 And when I looked closer and more closely around me, behold, I saw all kinds of larger, smaller, and smallest, differently shaped objects, like seeds and transparent as glass, so that I could also see that it looked like a grain under the shell - and when I now saw the same things in countless and uncountable quantities further in the distance, I spoke in wonder and as if in a dream, thinking out of myself: "Lord! My God! What is this? - Though these things seem similar to each other, I see their infinite diversity and - oh wonder! - it seems to me as if I see in some of them very small and blurred pictures as of human figures, in others likewise such pictures, but as of all kinds of animals, and in still others other pictures of all kinds of green foliage!"
20 And then I heard His voice again within me: "All that which you see but only a very small particle of, is enclosed with and beside Me in eternal being and eternity, but in eternity and infinity it cannot receive life, because without a specially created world that gives times and spaces, it cannot live, cannot reach the consciousness of its own life and being, cannot recognize itself and cannot exert itself.
21 Therefore it lies fallow, lifeless, undeveloped, meaningless, a seeming of its own being. What you see was once in eternity and you are seeing the psychic-spiritual all the æons of times back, that have flowed away since the beginning that I created for all that is psychic-spiritual, with and beside Me, and enclosed in eternity.
22 All this seed, of which you see such quantities yet not even the very smallest part of the whole, is each in its own eternal being, a seed of psychic shell and spiritual kernel, but without life force; it was and is there, sustained by its being, and because I created the beginning for all of it, it is to receive life from and through Me, so that all that is of psychic and spiritual essence may live and work with Me there.
23 What you see in all of this is the eternal rest, in which I alone was active, so that all of this may remain until the beginning that I have decided to create, and now you shall see how the beginning was created, and seeing you shall grasp the meaning of the word that I say: I am the beginning!
Chapter II
1 And lo! There did I see Him in immeasurable distance, yet again as though within reach, but differently, entirely differently than before; He was indeed the same Christ, our God and Lord, in the same light of His holiest being, spirit, and life, and as before, the same light of infinity penetrated immeasurable distances all over everywhere - but through the light went rays of all sorts of other light, which in His light almost instantly penetrated everywhere into the infinities of distances, and everywhere there I saw movement that was to be seen, as if there light clouds were forming into clouds of all sorts of light spherical together.
2 That did I see above me, below me, on all sides, and thereby I lost the sense of what was above, what below, and what sideways; in heavy confusion I turned my gaze back to Him, and when I saw Him in the distance, yet so close, with raised arms, my senses became clear again.
3 I folded my hands in adoration, but couldn't bring forth a word, for what I saw can't be said in words of any language, described and explained such that a person could make even the shadow of a true conception of it; yet but, because it was said to me: Write down what you have seen and heard! I follow and write, without seeking particular words, because there are none to be found.
4 I saw the working of the holiest being of God particularly, particularly also the radiance of His holy spirit, particularly the working of His life force in His being, in His spirit, and in Its rays, in these however likewise particularly those forces individually and working together, which set the distances of infinity in motion, I saw God creating in His power and I saw how He creates light in light, by His mere will.
5 In this contemplation I forgot to look at what was happening in the distances of infinity, but felt movement around myself, without being able to say what kind it was, and then I heard His voice again within me:
6 Jovian! Look and around yourself, so that you may write what you have seen!
7 And lo! There did I see how clouds of all sorts of light from the distances of infinity, individually ever denser and individually forming into enormously large, smaller, and small spheres, approached closer, radiating their own, different, and various light inward and outward in His light, forming a firmament upward, downward, and on all sides, representing a world that through its own light against the infinity all around was delimited, now in itself was there.
8 Astonished, I saw in amazement this becoming, for on many of the individual world spheres I saw mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, not however like such on earth from stones and from water, for both were indeed also there, but of a completely different nature, light in light, like glass and radiant in the most wonderful colors.
9 And none of the worlds stood still, but slowly one turned around the other in different distances and all together around a center; when I had recognized this, I looked toward this center, and lo, there stood with like blessing raised arms our God and Lord, in His light all the light of the worlds outshining.
10 Unspeakably deeply moved and shaken, I fell to my knees and then suddenly felt that I myself was on the ground of one of the many, many worlds, without knowing how it had come about, and I cried out, whether from joy, whether from bliss, whether from surprise? I don't know, but I lay on my face and sobbing dared not look up, for I felt that He was standing by me, and soon I heard Him speak:
11 Stand up and see what and how it was once further!
12 And when I had stood up, He wiped with the sleeve of His robe the tears from my face and spoke: What you see here, Jovian, is the completion of all My hitherto creating, although the greatest in the completion of all that which is still to come will only in the course of eons of times, which I will create for all souls of cognizant spirit, be completed and accomplished.
13 This here is the true world of My kingdom for all the psychospiritual seed, which you in such great number in the worldless emptiness of infinity lifeless and fallow saw, but whose true amount and manifoldness no one except Me will ever be able to survey and count.
14 It is not fitting that I am and that alone I live, and all the psychic and spiritual be lifeless fallow.
15 I am the eternal truth, the true light, the true eternal life, in My essence and spirit the unchanging, unchangeably equal goodness, love, mercy, forgiveness, justice, and self-sacrifice, and in all that also the beginning, which I create for all souls of cognizant spirit; come with and see what else you have to write.
16 He took me by the hand and, in moments measuring the distances between the individual worlds with me, showed me many worlds, each surpassing the others in beauty and splendor, and I marveled more and more.
17 But He said: If you already find this psychospiritual and lifeless beautiful and splendid, how splendid will you find it then, so there and all that from My life, in myriad manifoldness all psychospiritual beings, animated by Me, and soon you will see it.
18 While He was still speaking, we went further, and there I stood at a stream like water, on whose banks wonderful plants like trees of vines were entwined, but the vines formed weaves like baskets and bowls at different heights; above I saw countless quantities of the most varied, wonderful, and delicious-to-see fruits, from the variously colored, splendid flowers of others, indeed from the leaves of still others, it dripped like milk and honey and fell in larger or smaller drops and grains into the living weave of vines, the bark of still other plants gave all sorts of juices, which immediately became the most variedly shaped formations, like small cakes and breads, again from others flowed clear, as well as manifoldly colored liquid through tube vines into the stream, all of delicious, wonderful appearance and scent.
19 And when I was unable to speak due to wonder, He spoke to me: "This is present in countless ways in all the worlds of My kingdom; these are the rivers and trees of life; these plants too are soul and spirit, made alive by Me, but of a completely different nature than the countless other plants, and I have given them unfailing powers through the workings of all things in the worlds of My kingdom, whose fruit also are the rivers, by which they stand and which will therefore work unfailingly, in all future eternity.
20 Therefore I have created them, so that all the soul-spirit seed that enters these worlds of My kingdom created for this purpose and there receives life from and through My own life force, will immediately then, once it has been given a heavenly body, have nourishment corresponding to that body.
21 And as He was still speaking, He took me by the hand again, and behold, He was standing again in the center of the worlds of His kingdom, I beside Him, and He, raising His hands as if to bless, spoke just one word to me: 'Behold!'
22 And it came to each of the many worlds from all directions like rain, and I saw that it was the seed I had previously seen, which, sparkling like glass and like rain in the light of God and in the light of the worlds of His kingdom, covered the individual worlds, a sight as wonderful as all that I had previously seen; and when it was finished, He took me by the hand and already He stood with me on the ground of one of the next, extremely large world and spoke to me:
23 Stay here and see what no one other than Myself has ever seen, nor will anyone else ever see besides you; it was in eternity, and you alone see now how it was, for you are to write it for the people on earth, so that they may understand the meaning of My word when I say: I am the beginning!"
Chapter III
1 And lo! I saw the fallen seed lying scattered on the ground of the world on which I myself stood, and oh, wonder, all the seed began to stir, to grow, to take on all kinds of shapes and forms, there came from many various green vegetation, from others various animals, and lo, even shapes like humans formed from the shell of many seeds, I felt that powers that I had never before experienced were penetrating me, turned my eyes to the heights and there I saw our God and Lord again standing in the center of the worlds of His kingdom with outstretched hands as if in blessing.
2 And as before, I now saw again the workings of the powers of His most holy essence, especially the workings of His holy spirit, whose radiation, alongside the many other of His powers, each visible in its own light and carrying the rays of His life force, visibly permeated every seed, but soon heard His voice again within me:
3 See the reception of the life of each spirit, which you saw as the core of the shell of each seed, and look how the spirit, by virtue of the life already received from and through Me, continues to work on the enclosing shell; this shell is the essence of the soul, which from eternity contained the fundamental values of its own shape and forms and which now, through the received life, come to development and validity.
4 And when I turned my eyes again to what was stirring around me, I saw that even in each individual being, which was no longer an unnoticeable insignificant seed, the spirit, particularly also the soul body, and again particularly the life, interacted with each other; in the radiance of now their own life force, which was visible as if a light converted into purest water vapor flowed and spurted through the spirit and soul, the spirit of each being also shone, and the spiritual rays penetrated through the life rays the soul body, which growing always more definite forms took, as with all green growth, as well as with the animal forms, and with those that, while forming into human shapes, were more wonderful than such, because they resembled God.
5 Also, from these the rays of their spirit through their soul body far outward went, however only individually and as if swaying back and forth; less, and with some types of animals not at all outwardly radiating, I saw the spirit work, least of all the green growth's, although it was in some giant growth, as well as in some giants of animals, in quantity greater than the spirit of those resembling God in human form.
6 Further, I also saw, as far as I could see, that no two soul bodies, not even of the same kind, were shaped in such a way that I couldn't differentiate them from each other, and also the spirit was in each soul body of the same kind another, in appearance as in its radiance, alone only the life force was in all without exception one and the same, because it was received from and through God.
7 All this I saw, thinking clearly and distinctly, and wondered more and more, for although everything was moving, the green growth was adorned in indescribably beautiful colors, the forms of the animals and the god-like human forms did not grow any further, which let me know that the size of the form, as well as the development of its forms, had been reached, yet it only moved as if in sleep, was like a transparent breath and visible in all sorts of colors like glass, so that I could also see the inner structure of every soul's body, and there I suddenly recognized that although everything is now alive, it knows nothing of its being and life, that it is unconscious and I was so startled by this that I thought I too would have to fall unconscious.
8 But then I heard His voice within me: Jovian! Just as I am triune in My essence, spirit, and life from eternity, so now all of the spiritual and mental seed that has always been with and alongside Me has become triune through the gift of life from and out of Me.
9 If I live in eternity, then all that is spiritual and mental shall also live in all future eternity. As My life is inseparable from My spirit and My spirit is inseparable from My life and My essence, so now the same, My life, is inseparably attached to the essence of all spiritual and mental beings, and not a single one of these triune beings can ever lose the life received from Me.
10 For the spiritual and mental seed as such is inherently indestructible and indestructable; but now, since all that is spiritual and mental carries its life from and out of Me within itself, it has eternal life through Me, it can never more cast it off from itself, even with will, and no one can take it away from another, destroy it, and destroy it - not even I! - because I have given it.
11 You now see what all was hidden in the myriad number and the countless amount of spiritual and mental seed in the manifoldness of essence and spirit, you now see that all this lives, but also that it is unconscious, that it knows nothing of its own being and life; you think that it feels nothing in this state, that it might remain this way and you are startled by this.
12 But I say to you: Every one of the spiritual bodies and bodies feels the forces acting upon it and working within it, all of which not only come from and out of Me, but also in part come from and out of the worlds of this My kingdom created for this purpose and work in the way that I have created and ordered them, so that they also naturally beget one another and all work together to have endurance for all future eternity.
13 If the spiritual bodies and bodies did not feel the workings of all the forces emanating from and out of Me, as well as from and out of the worlds of My kingdom, unconsciously and unknowingly, you would not be able to see any activity in and on them; but since you see this, you should know that all feeling belongs to the spiritual body, but consciousness and will, whose power is according to its own as well as the nature of that spiritual body or body, belong to the spirit, and this is mightily large, smaller, or so small that it cannot appear at all.
14 The spirit, through the influence of life and through the unconsciously felt influence of the forces penetrating it in the spiritual body, would come to consciousness of its own life and being over time, which is created with this beginning created by Me, and through this also its own spiritual body; but as it is in itself, it could not be of any use to the spirit there.
15 Look at all of these forms that are similar to Me, but also to you; you have seen and also recognized on your own that the spirit of these is completely different in appearance and completely different in essence than the spirit of animals, and this is again different than the spirit of plants.
16 The spirit of these spiritual forms similar to Me and you is capable of knowledge, but all other spirit is not; this capable spirit does indeed also show - as you see - great and very great differences, but it remains and remains capable of knowledge, and it also possesses greater, great, or smaller creative ability.
17 In eternity and infinity, he would never have found his way around; but here, in the world of My kingdom created for him, he will soon find his way around and in the created itself also want to create on his own. But if the spiritual body, which is his own, remains as it is now, every thought that arises in images through the mutually complementary workings of the soul, spirit, and life in the face of what is present would always only remain a thought and a spiritual-mental image and could never be realized outwardly.
18 Therefore, the spiritual body must partly assume a body from the soul-, spirit-, and life-less things and forces, but also partly from the living things created for this purpose, which, adapted to the essence of the worlds of My kingdom, makes the soul able to not only see, hear, and touch all that is created and present, but also to create within and from it and to be able to effectively and tangibly realize what arises spiritually and mentally in thoughts and images and is also to be created visible, audible, and tangible for others.
19 My kingdom is the kingdom of heaven, and all spiritual bodies and bodies must each receive a heavenly body or body according to their nature; the green growth will receive its heavenly body from the ground and from the heights above the worlds themselves, provision has also been made for the eternal preservation of the heavenly body of animals, as especially for the heavenly body of My children through that creation which you see at the waters and at the trees of life.
20 With a heavenly body and body, the spiritual body of every living being is to be adorned by Me from now on for all future eternity, in the heavenly body all that is now living is to rise to consciousness of its own life and being, and My children, whom I will call angels, will recognize Me as the Father of all life.
21 They will not know any becoming or passing away of the spiritual-mental-living in the worlds of this My heavenly kingdom, and therefore will not ask about any beginning, and only through the word spoken to them about this beginning will they feel the meaning, as I say: I am the beginning!
Chapter IV
1 I heard a soft whisper above me, below me in the ground of the world on which I stood, from all directions, felt a movement like a gentle wind and looked up into the heights, where He still stood with outstretched hands in indescribably wonderful radiant light of His holiest being and spirit.
2 Worshipfully I raised my hands to Him, but He said: Look around you, for you are to describe what is happening around you!
3 Then I looked around at all the beings of soul, spirit, and life lying and moving like they were asleep, and behold, I saw the spiritual form of their being penetrated by rays emanating from the ground, the waters, and the tree of life of the worlds of the kingdom of God, and thus I immediately recognized that all this is caused by the rays of His holy spirit that I saw particularly in the others.
4 I heard a soft whisper above me, below me in the ground of the world where I stood, from all directions, I felt a movement like a gentle breeze and looked up into the heights where He stood, still with outstretched hands, in indescribably wonderful, radiant light of His holiest being and spirit. And, worshipping, I raised my hands to Him, but He spoke: Look around you, for the happening around you you should describe! Then I looked around at all the soul, spirit, and life beings that were lying and moving as if in sleep and, behold, I saw the soul form of their being pervaded by rays emanating from the ground, the waters and life trees of the realms of God's kingdom. And thus I immediately recognized that all of this was caused by the rays of His holy spirit that I saw particularly in the others. All of the soul forms that had previously been like a breath and transparent as glass became denser, as if becoming flesh and blood, but not like earthly flesh and blood, rather immeasurably elevated, pure, wondrous in appearance, for although the soul body and corporal form assumed a heavenly body and corporal form, both were particularly visible in and of themselves, the eternal soul body, as well as the received heavenly body, like one and the same and yet visibly different - and I didn't know where to look first or what to admire more, whether the beauty and purity of the plants, or that of the animals, or the children of God - I couldn't grasp it.
5 Suddenly, however, I saw everything that was not green and blooming vegetation open its eyes and stand on its feet - bliss, joy, and peace on its face, despite the astonished glances that were all directed at Him who stood in indescribably wonderful light of His power in the middle of the firmament of the world of His heavenly kingdom.
6 I saw a gentle rustling above me and beneath me in the ground on which I stood, coming from all directions, and I felt a movement like a light wind. And I looked up into the heights, where He still stood with outstretched hands for blessing, in immeasurable and wonderfully radiant light of His holiest being and spirit. I lifted my hands in worship to Him, but He spoke: "Look around you, for you are to describe what is happening around you." So I looked around at all the souls, spirits, and lives that lay as if in sleep and moved, and behold, I saw the spiritual form of their being penetrated by rays that came forth from the ground, the waters, and the tree of life of the realms of God's kingdom. And thus, I immediately recognized that all of this was caused by the rays of His holy spirit, which I saw particularly in the others. All the spiritual forms that had previously been like a breath and transparently translucent became denser, as if they were becoming flesh and blood, but not like earthly flesh and blood, rather infinitely elevated, pure, and wonderful in appearance. For even though the spiritual body and form assumed a heavenly body and form, both were visibly distinct from one another, yet both were also visibly the same - and I did not know where to look first or what to admire more, the beauty and purity of the plants, the animals, or the children of God - I was overwhelmed. Suddenly, I saw all that was not green and blooming growth open its eyes and stand on its feet - with joy, happiness, and peace on its face, despite the amazed glances that all turned toward Him, who stood in immeasurable and wonderful light of His power in the midst of the firmament of the world of His heavenly kingdom. Then He opened His mouth, and I saw in the light rays of His all-present, everywhere-shining spirit, new power rays, particularly rays that carried His spoken word. And I saw these rays of His word enter the spirit and spiritual body of His children, alive in their heads, alive in living understanding, and then many countless hands rose up to Him, and from the mouth of all the hordes of His children came the word to Him: God!
7 Then did I fall down on my knees, bury my face in my hands, and see in my mind's eye the first words of His holy gospel written by me on earth: Before all beginning was God, (who is) His eternal being, spirit, and word of life. The word of God was alone in God, and God was the word! But the word of God was alone in God only before the beginning, for when God through His word created all things of the true world of His kingdom and there gave to all beings with spirit the life of His own eternal power, every understanding spirit spoke the word of God to Him, and that was the beginning.
8 Now did I see this beginning, saw what and how it was before the beginning, now did I know by the sighted power what the soul, the spirit, and the life is, how the lifeless of the being of the soul and the spirit became alive, from whom it received the life and the power of consciousness, how the true world of the kingdom of God, the heaven kingdom, is, and unspeakably shaken and deeply seized by awe, I began to adore my face and my hands to Him!
9 But he spoke from the heights of the celestial firmament and his holiest word sounded clearly and distinctly in the ears of his children, whom he called angels, as if he were with each one personally, and I marveled at the expressions and the looks on the faces of his children, seeing that they each understood his words just as I did, who was even more astonished and amazed that I, too, understand each word of his language vividly, for surely his language has many sounds spoken in the languages of people on earth and even words in which various other meanings are placed there.
10 I recognized that his language remains the language of his celestial kingdom, and now I also knew where all the languages of people on earth come from, which all, without exception, in their essence contain the same or at least more or less similar sounds, syllables, and even words of that language that is from and of God.
11 Furthermore, God spoke of the celestial nourishment of the soul, capable of understanding, through his word, which dwells within the light and life, then also of the celestial nourishment, drink, and food for the celestial body of his children, which is prepared in unnumbered variety and endlessly in the fruits and juices of the trees of life by the waters.
12 While he still spoke at length, as if in teachings, the essence of his holiest form became increasingly radiant in the light of his holy spirit, until only the indescribably and inconceivably wonderful light remained - and once again countless hands rose up before him, and once again the holiest word sounded from the mouths of all the hosts of his children, like a roar: God!
13 But I heard his voice once again within me: Look at everything so that you can write! What you are now seeing in the life and work of all these of my children has lasted for eons of time, for which, looking back, even the greatest spirit among all these of my angels finds neither sense nor understanding, and no clear concept, even though time was also created with the beginning that you are now seeing.
14 And behold, I saw among the children of God various different faces and differences in the color not only of their souls but also of their celestial bodies; also, some among the hosts resembled one another in facial features and color and were smaller than others, indeed not a few were as small as children, and I saw in their souls and spirit that they had a childlike temperament, which they revealed through their speech, questions, expressions of wonder and joy, as well as through their striving to imitate the actions of the greater and greatest.
15 I also saw the same to a greater extent and in greater numbers among all kinds of animals, and there I first recognized the infinitely great differences in the nature of the soul and spirit of one and the same host of their own kind, although much less so among the animals than rather among the children of God.
16 There was no male and female in the sense of sexual (reproduction), and the beauty of all - especially in the almost infinite variety of the appearance of the forms in their purity - was equally wonderful among the children of God, as well as among the animals and even more so than among these in the glorious splendor among the greening and blooming plants.
17 And I saw hosts of the children of God eating and drinking at the waters by the trees of life, and it seemed to me that perhaps their celestial body had become even more beautiful and glorious; also, later on I noticed that all the variety of nourishment, food, and drink that emerges from the trees and vessels at the waters in all kinds of wonderful ways is of the purest nature, because it does not produce slag and waste in the body and also does not bring about any kind of overindulgence.
18 Presently, not a few people here and there began to speak, and hosts gathered around them to listen, and I already saw what great spirits these speakers and preachers are, for I saw the rays of their spirit far and wide, indeed with some even beyond the boundaries of the worlds of the kingdom of God into infinity - and there I marveled at how similar the radiance of many a spirit is to the radiance of the holy spirit of God and how similar they are to him through this.
19 Of course, it is a similarity that must so to speak be sought and arbitrarily also found; for as soon as I vividly evoked comparisons within me between the radiance, light, and life of the holy spirit of God and the greatest spirit among his children, I immediately recognized that the similarity is quite distant, because the radiance of the holy spirit of God penetrates everywhere at the same time and continually, is omnipresent, and carries radiances within itself that in such a degree and in such diversity among themselves and working together are not characteristic of any other spirit.
20 I did indeed see similar powers in the radiance of many a great spirit among his children to those that are characteristic of the holy spirit of God, but in comparison with these I saw the infinite difference especially in their strength; also, I recognized that many powers that are characteristic of the holy spirit of God are lacking in the great and even the greatest spirit among his children.
21 The radiance of their spirit does indeed penetrate into infinity, but always only laterally, like a jet of water bounded, always only in one, if also ever-changing direction, whereby the jet, reaching the distances, wavers like seeking and like powerless and trembling if it finds no point of support that gives it a firm foundation - and if the spirit continually seeks to forcibly impose this support on itself without this actually being present, its radiance and, through this, not only itself but also, because it is inseparably bound to the soul body and works in it, brings the soul body into suffering, goes astray.
22 This knowledge has been given to me through a memory of the earthly life of the people of great spirit that has been vividly taken in by me, who want to create great things, also create them in their way, erring heavily, and through the apparent greatness of their creation also mislead countless others.
23 But then I heard his voice within me: Jovian! You shall see and describe the life, work, and creation of my children in my kingdom, for what was on earth, is, and will further happen, you shall therefore see! Look at my peace in my kingdom, which animates everything that carries life from and through me.
Chapter V
1 And I opened mine eyes, and lo! I was no longer upon the ground of one of the many, many worlds of the heavenly kingdom of God, but stood in His light amidst the firmament of heaven and saw all the worlds individually, both the closer and the further and furthest ones, and yet all so near as if I could grasp them or reach them with a single step.
2 Many of the worlds were of immense size, others smaller, still others smaller yet, but all had their own light, which was different, entirely different from the light of the holiest essence, spirit and life of God, and at once I recognized that the light of the worlds and the firmament of the heavenly kingdom consists of the meeting of the rays of the holy Spirit of God with the rays emanating from the worlds of His kingdom and is infinitely more wonderful than all the light of the suns, which can blind, scorch and burn, all of which is foreign and far removed from the wonderful light of the kingdom of heaven.
3 And again, after this contemplation, I was distracted and reminded of the earth, for on many of the immense and smaller worlds, much looked similar to the earth, only infinitely more beautiful, wondrous, pure and sublime, the glorious plant kingdom, the wonderfully beautiful animal kingdom and the sublime purity of the children of God.
4 These are also not bound to a specific world of the kingdom of heaven as humans are to the earth, but can, at will, move from one to any other, and can also take animals and plants with them, for the animal kingdom follows the children of God - it is the peace of heaven.
5 But should a child of God wish to visit all the worlds of the kingdom of God and learn of all their regions, it would not be possible even in eons of time, for the number of worlds is an exceedingly great one.
6 The heavenly body and physique of plants, animals and children of God is as inviolable as their spiritual body and physique, and no thing in the worlds of the heavenly kingdom can in any way trouble, injure or make them sick, for it is tougher and in its own way firmer than all the soulless, spiritless and lifeless things there, whereby the creation in and from them does not require an excess of force.
7 All creation, action and all activity in the worlds of the kingdom of God occurs solely and exclusively for the joy of creation, for the joy of all others who find greater joy in it and not in some other creation, whereby creation takes shape in manifold ways and is continually reinvented by the greatest and grandest spirits in different and new ways.
8 Therefore, I saw and heard the children of God creating in the worlds of His kingdom and, without wanting to, was reminded of the creation and creations of humans on earth, and once again thoughts arose within me to make comparisons, since much of the creation of humans on earth was similar to the creation of the children of God in His kingdom.
9 But soon I recognized the almost infinite difference between the creation and creations of the children of God in the worlds of His kingdom and those of humans on earth, for the very purpose of creation and all activity of the children of the kingdom of heaven is infinitely far removed from the purposes of creation of humans on earth, for much of the creation and many of the creations of humans on earth are dark and evil, as they also serve dark, evil and even devilish purposes, whereas all creation, all activity and all creations of the children of God in His kingdom are pure, sublime, light, good and wonderful, in the greatest as well as the smallest, most insignificant and childlike things, which are all created solely for the purpose of not only pleasing each other in every way, but above all else, to bring joy to God.
10 Let no one say that God the Lord, who in His eternal Trinity of His holiest essence, His all-present holy spirit and inexhaustible life is most perfect and, due to this His eternal holy Trinity, unchanging and invariable, does not know joy and therefore also no sorrow, for only one who does not know God can fall into such grave error.
11 If joy and sorrow are felt by the imperfect and most imperfect beings of soul, spirit and life to the extent of their constitution, then the simplest healthy reason must recognize on its own that God also feels joy and sorrow and that, due to His highest perfection, no measure can ever be found for how He feels joy and sorrow.
12 And as I saw in the worlds of His heavenly kingdom, creations of His children in clothing, buildings, statues, pictures, and countless other things, among these also all sorts of ones that produce music, and as I heard the music and singing, all sorts of dancing and all sorts of play, I had to think again of the people on Earth, and then the realization came to me, from whence so many people bring to Earth that which is there called innate ability, disposition, talent, and gift.
13 In all this watching, listening, and thinking, it seemed to me as if eons of time had passed since I saw the eternity and infinity before the beginning, the creation of God, and the beginning created by Him for all the spiritual and mental seed present with and alongside Him, and everything seemed even more beautiful, more splendid, and more wonderful to me than it was at the beginning.
14 Again and again, in the light amidst the heavenly firmament, God appeared in the power of His holiest essence, spoke to His angels, as He called His children, and always those gathered around Him, whose spirit is great, greater, because it is more penetrating in its radiance and equipped with powers that are not inherent to the spirit of others, and they received from Him teachings, instructions, and pointers towards ever new activity, towards ever new creation, so that they, even instructed in all knowledge, may be models for all those who are unable to create something new on their own and therefore must also be guided and led further.
15 The far, far superior majority of God's children, in order to create in and out of the things created by God in the worlds of His kingdom, had to similarly access, as the human must in creating earthly things; however, there were and are, particularly among those children of the kingdom of God who, as already pointed out, are of great and greater spirit than most others, not a few who, in order to create from the existing any, initially mentally-spiritually-pictorially thought works and things now also for others, do not always have to create everything with their hands, because much arises or undergoes desired transformation and transformation through the powers carried in the radiance of their spirit according to its own will.
16 Of the children of God equipped with such creative powers of their spirit, there have been and are many, and again individual ones among them, in such a measure that their creation through them is wonderful and is seen as a miracle by all those who lack such powers.
17 God called all His children without exception angels; but these, seeing the penetrating spirit, the creative powers of many among them, and the wonderful works and things that resulted, called such ones out of their own: Great angels, and I also saw that they are truly to be called great by virtue of their own such spirit; but I also saw that even all the wonderfulness of their powers, their creation, their works, and their abilities taken together and multiplied a thousandfold does not even yield a shadow of the creative power of God and cannot be compared with His power, in which He created the most wonderful, the worlds of His heavenly kingdom, out of the emptiness of infinity - and the beginning: The resurrection of all the essence of the soul and spirit from lifeless, eternal seeming to eternal being and life!
18 I saw in seeing eons of time pass into eternity, and yet the most distant event of the farthest past was to be felt as if it were the day before yesterday, yesterday, and would be today; every time, as God had spoken in the form of His holiest essence in the light of His power, the Great angels gathered around Him lifted their hands to Him and, turning towards all directions of the worlds of His kingdom, they cried out with one voice: Yes - Ave - Rah - Gotodin - Deaus - Amen!
19 And like a roar, the call of His children came back from all the worlds of the heavenly kingdom and penetrated from one world to another, and each of them understood in living feeling its meaning, which translates as: He - Holy - Creator - Father of life - Eternal - God!
End of the first part, -followed by 2 more.